ready for your honeymoon or next vacation?

we plan detailed travel itineraries for your dream trips all while sticking to your budget!

travel itinerary packages

  • perfect for bachelorette parties or a long weekend getaway. includes itinerary for 2-4 days at destination.

    all travel packages include flight suggestions, airbnb or hotel suggestions, transportation options, list of restaurants with links to menus, tours/activity options, full daily itinerary, and packing list 

    starting at $200

  • family vacations, honeymoons, you plan to take within the U.S. includes itinerary for 5-7 days at destination.

    all travel packages include flight suggestions, airbnb or hotel suggestions, transportation options, list of restaurants with links to menus, tours/activity options, full daily itinerary, and packing list 

    starting at $250

  • let us plan your next big trip out of the country. includes itinerary for 7+ days at destination.

    all travel packages include flight suggestions, airbnb or hotel suggestions, transportation options, list of restaurants with links to menus, tours/activity options, full daily itinerary, and packing list 

    starting at $300


bachelorette itinerary example

this client is planning to have a 4-day bachelorette party in Miami, FL!


not sure which package is right for you?

visit our FAQ page to learn more about our package inclusions.

contact us for a free consultation to determine which package is best suited for your vacation!